12 years old boy marries 10- years old girl in Akwa Ibom

by Adesina Samuel Jibola | January 8th 2020
Child marriage is hugely frowned upon in the Southern parts of Nigeria but popular in the North, although efforts are on to stem the tide.

Nigeria listed among Trump's strongholds as US - IRAN tension deepens

by Adesina Samuel Jibola | January 8th 2020
A survey by the Washington-based Pew Research Centre has listed Nigeria as one of the strongholds of US President Donald Trump. This is as the survey finds that support for US President Donald Trump remains largely ne...

Breaking!! WW3: US Warplanes Depart UAE AIR BASE for IRAN

by Adesina Samuel Jibola | January 8th 2020
,More than six United States Air Force fighter jets left Al-Dhafra Air Base in the United Arab Emirates early Wednesday, according to media reports obtained by Finestgist.com The report says the fighter jets were pos...
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